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WyoGives 2023

Published July 17, 2023

WyoGives, an initiative of the Wyoming Nonprofit Network, is designed to bring Wyoming together as one community to raise money and awareness for the state’s nonprofits. On July 12th 2023, WyoGives did just that! With over 6,700 donors involved in this great day of giving, $3,955,729 was raised in a 24 hour timeframe for over 300 Wyoming nonprofits. WOW! A huge thank you is due to the Hughes Charitable Foundation for their $1,000,000 matching grant challenge and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming for their $100,000 match challenge.

Wyoming 211 was privileged to be able to partake in this philanthropic day. Our community of supporters were very generous and helped us raise over $13,000 to further our mission of connecting those in need to hope. We are grateful to Carol and Earl Kabeiseman for their generous $5,000 matching gift and The Homer and Mildred Scott Foundation for their kind $2,500 matching gift. Thank you!

We had 54 donors give, with 24 of those being first-time donors. Thank you for believing in the work we are doing! We look forward to the future of Wyoming 211 with great anticipation as we use funds raised during WyoGives to help individuals get connected to food, shelter, rent & utilities assistance, job training, mental health resources and much more.

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