Richard called Wyoming 211 looking for shelter. He would be homeless for 9 days waiting for his social security check to come in. He had been paying a fee to live in his car at a KOA campground, but the weather was turning colder and he was looking for a warm place to stay.
Tammy, Wyoming 211’s Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) navigator, stepped in to help Richard. She first reached out to Green River Senior Center to provide him with warm blankets and hot meals until she could help find him housing. Next, Tammy gave Richard a referral to Sweetwater Family Resource Center and Department of Family Services’ vulnerable adult program. Working together, both services were able to pay for a week’s stay in a motel for Richard as he waits for his social security check.
While staying in a warm motel provided by his community, Richard was actively looking for housing and kept running into issues with management requiring references from previous rentals. Unfortunately, Richard worked on oil rigs most of his life and did not need to rent while he was working. Being new to Wyoming, Richard did not have any family that could vouch for him either.
Tammy connected him to a senior housing complex and was able to get them to rent to Richard without any references. His rent will be significantly less than what he was paying before and now will have more money to put towards his bills and other expenses. Richard even received some donated furniture for his new apartment. He was so very grateful for the assistance he had received from Wyoming 211 ADRC.