Service Providers
Join us as a service provider to keep our directory updated with relevant resources and information. Add your agency now!

we are a connector
Wyoming 211 strives to have the most comprehensive and up-to-date database in the state. Our database contains information on thousands of health and human service agencies across Wyoming. The benefits of adding your organization to the Wyoming 211 resource database include:
- It’s free. Add your programs and services to our database at no charge.
- You’ll help more people. We will connect clients in need to the services you provide.
- We can field the first call. Wyoming 211 alleviates administrative burdens and reduces costs associated with managing information and referral, helping your staff focus on serving clients.
- We can save your organization time. Wyoming 211 is a resource for you and your staff. We are a free, confidential, time-saving tool for school counselors, social workers, doctors, nurses, emergency personnel, government officials, and more!

Comprehensive database
Wyoming 211 resource database staff continually verify listings to ensure that our database is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. At a minimum, our resource database staff will send service providers annual reminders to ensure records are updated annually at the agency, service, and site levels. If you notice something is out of date, please let us know. You can also suggest additional listings.

Add your agency
We are always looking to list new health and human services as well as government programs in the Wyoming 211 database. Inclusion in the Wyoming 211 database is free to qualified agencies. If you are interested in listing your organization in the database, please read our Inclusion/Exclusion Policy. The policy outlines eligibility for program and service listings.
To add your Agency to the Wyoming 211 database, please click on the button below.

Update your agency
Please help us ensure your information remains accurate. Search for your agency and request updates by clicking on the button below.
Need help? Contact our resource team by phone at 1-307-433-3077 or by email at specialist3@wyoming211.org.